I live for to do lists. I live for structure. I live for a plan. And girl do I live for organization. I love things to have a place. I get giddy over gutting my closet and purging the junk drawers. Giving things their special spot in our home is something I pride myself on and maybe enjoy a little too much.
I would have never imagined I could enjoy The Container Store as much I do. It’s seriously a Type A persons heaven and I am guilty of spending my Sundays strolling their aisles. Austin doesn’t think these types of things are worth spending money on and that is definitely an argument I am always willing to fight about. π
Now that you have stocked up on all the food and could probably feed an army, let’s chat about pantry organization. When we first moved into our home I knew I wanted our pantry and fridge to look like the Pinterest ones we all see. While we are not totally there yet, as it does cost money to buy these things (& sometimes I would rather pick new shoes over a plastic cereal holder lol), we are making progress.
I purchased these OXO containers from The Container Store and added my own chalk labels from Amazon. So easy to change up as you purchase different snacks! I feel like we definitely eat more of what’s in our pantry because we can see it all? At least that’s what I tell Austin… because we’re technically saving money if we’re actually eating the groceries we have. What a concept, right?
After I filled up the plastic containers and put them in the pantry I saw how much space we had left, which leads me to the baskets. The bigger ones on the ground are from The Container Store and smaller ones are from Amazon. All super affordable! The chalkboard clothes pins are also from Amazon so you can change those up, too.
If you are just starting out organizing your pantry I would start with the OXO containers or something similar, followed by a spice/can rack and then baskets for the random things we all buy. This way you’re not having to drop a ton of money off the bat and so you can see what will fit!
I love that everything has a home in our pantry and we can see when we are out of something. Makes writing my list for the grocery store that much easier!
Since we are all spending more time than usual at home I hope you can find this pantry organization helpful. The Container Store is running up to 25% off Kitchen & Pantry Storage so perfect to stock up. I also rounded up similar items from Amazon Prime for your convenience!
Are you Type A like me or more of a cereal + snacks in the boxes they came in type of gal?